Artwork: Harold Ancart

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

Today, I would like to remind you to be extra kind with yourself. We tend to forget that going through a pandemic in the winter ain’t for the faint hearted. So how can we infuse an extra layer of self care on days that are tough and build our resilience muscle, instead of beating ourselves up and judging a miserable moment as one that will last forever?

Firstly, everything is impermanent, ie. nothing ever stays the same. Secondly, tiredness makes everything worse and adds a grim layer to what is already a little dull.

Lastly, let’s make those hard days, or some of our difficult interactions, our teacher. The ones that will help us wake up to our best, wisest and highest self. Meaning that instead of reacting mindlessly, as we always have, acting mindfully, in a constructive way.

It is on this note that I am going to invite you to that a big inhale, feeling your feet on the ground, and connecting to the air moving through your nostrils. As you pause, how do your fingers feel on your phone keypad? This body or breath awareness, are anchors used to access the present moment. Now, I am going to invite you to exhale, literally breathing  out anything and everything you no longer need. Feeling your sit bones on the chair your might be sitting on.

It’s a tough and weird time that we are living in, yet, our human spirit is resilient and will always come back to what nurtures us at our chore. We will be together again soon, in the same room, and maybe appreciate what we once took for granted?
In the meantime, let’s stick to kindness and self care, and choose our battles wisely, we all need energy to remind ourselves, that this too shall pass.

With love and deep respect


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