Good Morning Beautiful Souls, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. The business of the end of year somehow makes us more loco than at peace. Yet, the “holi-days” coming up are all about the light and it feels so counter intuitive to wear ourselves down instead of taking it in and filling ourselves up. Indeed, this time of the year tends to be stronger in mindless chatter, pleasing, critiquing (whether inner or outer), making us feel like pressure cookers instead of breathing in pleasure. So how can we stay lit? How can we let the light show us the most nourishing path? What we focus on grows so when we feel lost in the shadows of our mind, let’s take a breath, connect with our hearts and again remember the light. As Pema Chaudron, my favourite Tibetan Buddhist nun says in her book When Things Fall Apart: “The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.” So this is my wish for us all today, that we infuse more kindness in our gaze, that we let the light in and let it guide our way. Please do let me know how you are doing at this time of the year and don’t hesitate to share this message with whoever might need to read it. With Love and My Deepest Respect Vanessa