Good Morning Beautiful Souls,
I do hope that you are safe and healthy wherever you are in the world.
Today I would like to talk about The Heart, our superpower which resides at the center of it all and has the cappacity to regulate all of the noise within, bringing forth an inner knowing and coherence that is equal to none.
Yet most of us get busy with our day operating from the head only, forgetting the wisdom that lies below the neck. In her book The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts, author entrepreneur, mama, podcaster and well being coach Kimberley Snyder shares how tuning in daily to find heart coherence ie. taking on a breathing practice which focuses on the heart, calms our nervous system and aligns the wisdom within our three brains: the heart, the gut and the brain.
” A little voice within us tells us: you are on the right track, move neither to your left nor right, but keep to the straight and narrow way. It is within everyone. Gandhi shares that his greatest power in leading India to independence from the British was his inner voice. ” Yet how did Gandhi feel so certain of listening to his inner voice, whether it was really from The Heart, or The True Self or from The Ego or The Limited Mind? Gandhi replied that “renunciation precedes the certainty. Saying that only once he had surrendered his own desires could he be certain that the guidance of the inner voice was coming from his heart, versus a projection of his ego.”
Finally, my favourite quote of the day by Columbia business school professor Jitendra Wadhwa: “Great leaders are great followers, they strive to surrender their own attachements and hungers so they can gain guidance from the universe through their inner voice.”
This was certainly true for Gandhi, and this is my wish for today, that we can all find the humbly to go places without creating so many casualties.
With Love and Deepest Respect
PS: If you’d like to know more about the heart practice: http://heartmath.org
I love to hear your feedbacks so please don’t hesitate to share how you are accessing the wisdom within these days
Artwork: Pachamama