Good morning gorgeous souls, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. As the winter solstice is coming on December 21st, let’s remind ourselves to prepare our space for the hibernal months. How is your clutter? Do you need to do a few clearing out sessions within the next weeks? What a joy to know that we can make others happy with what we no longer need. On another note, why does society make us believe that consumerism is our holy grail? Why do we consume so much and where does it all go? Changing our ways is not for the faint hearted yet the sweetness of aligning our actions with our inner longings is equal to none. Indeed, nothing is left in vain, our thoughts, our actions, have consequences on our planet and our psyche too. It starts with us, and we teach our kids or our kids teach us, always remembering that we don’t know what the other is going through. May heart and clarity pave the way for our reality. With Love and Deep Respect, Vanessa