Wanting What Isn’t

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Vanessa Kandiyoti

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

This full moon week somehow felt like it held a lot of tension for many, navigating the roller coaster of our ever changing emotions, just like the weather.

In meditation, we talk about using anchors to come back to the present moment, and snap out of the narrative our mind might be going on about. Clean pain and dirty pain truly have a huge impact on our world, ie. the former being about the emotion such as sadness or grief we may feel about something, whilst the latter is about the stories we tell ourselves about a situation ie. “ I’ll
Never change; this will never happen to me; I Will always be stuck”.

What if with our breath or another anchor, we were able to break away from the trance we are stuck in?

Easier said than done, yes, and it takes determination. Just like it takes determination to set wholesome boundaries with people who might trigger emotions for us that feel like they don’t belong to us to begin with. Can we become mindful enough and do what it takes to not take on what isn’t ours?

On this note, I will invite you to take a deep inhale, and feel your feet on the ground. As you feel the air moving through your nostrils, how about breathing out, anything and everything you no longer need?

It takes work and being diligent with ourselves to feel well. My wish for us all today is that as we surf through the wave of emotions that show up for us, we learn to differentiate what is ours and needs tending to, and what isn’t and simply needs letting go of.

Today, I recorded a meditation about finding our center and will resume my podcast next week.

In the meantime, pls don’t hesitate to share this with whoever you feel might benefit from reading it. I am also available if you want to share what you are going through. Until then,

With love and deep respect


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