Artwork: Cathy Wilkes

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

Throughout the week I think about what I will share in this newsletter and when it comes to writing it, I seem to forget my plan and always abide to the last minute rule. I write about what is present there and then, and right now, I have a baby who doesn’t want to sleep, a lot on my to do list, birds singing mildly outside my window and the sun is setting. Just like everything else, this will all change eventually, perfection in my imperfections more than ever my mantra because it is hard to juggle work, pleasure, and family.

Speaking about mixing those different worlds, today on Beyond Norms, I got to interview my perfectly imperfect sister in law, Carolyn Drake Kandiyoti. Carolyn is a partner in a wonderful art gallery, is an amazing mother, wife, and friend. She wears all those hats throughout the day and I watch her flow with grace, wondering how she does it all. So Carolyn shares with us her wisdom and love for art.

On this note, I will invite you to take a deep inhale, feeling your feet on the ground and your sit-bones on the chair your might be sitting on. Now, how about breathing our anything and everything you no longer need.

In case any you want to help me make my life more manageable, I am looking for help. Until then, pls don’t hesitate to reach out, and share your thoughts.

With love and deep respect,


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