Artwork: Lubaina Himid
Good morning beautiful people,
I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.
Today, I would like to talk about change, an interesting topic in a time of pandemic.
Some say change is inevitable; the only constant in the world; bound to happen. Others say that change is an internal affair; that it happens when we change the way we look at things, then the things we look at finally change.
Both are so true. True that change is inevitable, we sometimes feel it coming, cooking within, yet still resist it.
And sometimes it can be gracious, when we finally take the time to question the way we look at things.
On this note, I will invite you to take a deep breath, feeling your feet touching the ground and your seat bones touching the chair you are on.
As you pause, please ask yourself: What are you resisting? Are you putting your energy towards a better version of yourself, or are you trying to hold on to your old ways, blaming others for the way things are? As you breathe out, how about welcoming any answer that may appear for you.
Whatever may appear for you, this is just a gentle reminder that we are not here to judge.
We are here to soften, ground and rise up. This is probably the perfect recipe to face any “adversity,” whether inner or outer.
Please don’t hesitate to write to me about your own story with change.
I love to read you.
With Love and Deep Respect,