The Nectar of our Heart

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Jana Schröder

Good morning beautiful people,

I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

Lao Tzu, Chinese Taoist philosopher ( teaching on how to live in harmony with the world) said in his book Tao Te Ching “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

And sometimes the most painful situations or interactions are the ones that will make us grow the most. We come together to heal, learn, evolve, live with intensity, then with more peace, then we get triggered by something or someone else and the cycles starts again.

There is no way to control our journey, yet the unconscious part within us all, wherever it comes from ( because sometimes we have inherited patterns from our ancestral lineage) creates the stories we get to live.

One thing we can control though, is how we welcome it, choosing to beat ourselves up or becoming our own best ally especially during times of adversity.

It’s never going to be perfect at all times but a vulnerable heart, is the nectar needed to guide us through with humility, strength and acceptance.

May we access the magic that is within us all and feel nourished by the path we are on.

Please don’t hesitate to share or reach out, it’s always a pleasure to read you.

With love and deep respect,


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