Good morning Beautiful Souls,
I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.
As I write this newsletter, I am on day 21 of a 28 days gratitude practice called The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. Rhonda is the author of the book The Secret which casually sold 35 million copies and was made into a film soon after, turning Rhonda’s life around when she was on the verge of bankruptcy.
The Magic is based on the premise that “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” Wayne Dyer. Gratitude is at the chore of most religious and spiritual practices and is a delight to incorporate in our daily life; empowering us to become co-creators (life and ourselves) as it truly is so easy to see the glass half empty and keep going down that spiral.
In the past years, my spiritual practice has led me to believe that life mirrors whatever is within us, whether it’s dormant or alive, unconscious or conscious, ancestral or current. Yet, the good news is that by having the courage to step into the rabbit hole within and look after what needs tending to, we can change the way we look at life.
Whether we do your work alone, or seek the help of a professional, gratitude will simply put us on a higher frequency and give us more energy to tackle the bigger waves coming our way.
This is my wish for us all today, that what used to pull us down, no longer affects us, and that we all get to surf with a big smile and a whole lot of trust on our face.
With Love and my Deepest Respect
Artwork: Marina Perez Simao (currently showing at Mendez Wood DM Paris)