The Forbidden Fruit

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Lynda Benglis

Good morning beautiful people,

I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

So I came back for more connexion with you, because reading your feedbacks happens to give me a lot of pleasure, and for today, pleasure is what I am after.

It actually seems that in our society, pleasure is a little bit of a forbidden fruit, never to be eaten in public (especially if you happen to be born pre 2K).

We blame others for the lack of it in our life, but what if we were solely responsible for our own pleasure cup? It is when we honour our needs that we can in turn give best to others, and this can start with baby steps, daily, remembering that sacrifice is so passer.

So what makes your entire body say Yes to?

On this note, I am going to invite you to pause, and feel the air moving through your belly as you breath in.

As you breath out slowly, how about checking in with yourself what would honour a need you usually don’t give yourself permission for?

“Everyone has the right to be happy, without feeling guilty,” but are we going to be bold enough to seize the day?

I hope we will.

May we all be happy,
May we all be healthy,
May we all live in joy.

With Love and Deep Respect,


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