Our Fear Based Society

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Jean-Michel Basquiat

Good morning everyone,

The brilliant Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero’s Journey, whose work influenced The Star War sagas said the following:

“The big question is whether we are going to say a hearty yes to our adventure…letting go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The cave we fear to enter holds the treasure we seek.”

Let’s take a deep inhale altogether, feeling your feet on the ground, the air moving through your nostrils and when you feel ready, breathing out, anything and everything you no longer need. As you feel your mind settling, how about asking the part within you that knows, what is the direction towards the cave you fear to enter? Where is it? What is it? How can you breath closer to it. Conscious that your mind might be telling you that you would be nuts to go that way.

Taking actions towards our fears is definitely easier said than done when we live in a society that feeds us information with the intention to keep us afraid and small; pushing us towards the consumption of anti-depressants so that we can get through the day, without hearing what is screaming for our attention.

Being human, comes with its challenges, and apparently, these are inevitable, but when did those challenges stop being the required path towards a truer sense of self and instead became something to be ashamed of?

Isn’t the perfect life the one that is aligned with our presence instead of the one we are desperately trying to live?

On this note, I would like to invite you to take another deep inhale, altogether, and when you feel ready, let’s breath out and bow to the grace that is within us all, the one that knows to guide us towards the cave, even if at first it feels too scary to enter.

May we all feel the strength that comes along with daring, may we all feel brave.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions and to share this message with whoever might need to read it. The next group guided meditation will online on Monday March 9th, I will send you the link next week.

Until then,

With Love and Respect,


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