Our Family Constellation

Meditation, Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Good morning beautiful souls,

What a week in our world, and I do hope that you are all safe and healthy.

I am currently doing the first part of a Family Constellation teacher training, developed by a German therapist called Bert Hellinger. In this therapeutic approach, we consider the individual as part of a greater whole, a family system. His feelings, behaviours and attitudes are directly influenced by earlier generations and have to be understood in the context of the collective group to which he belongs.

In all family system, there are laws, mostly unspoken, and often the suffering of family members arise if one or more members of the family system unconsciously violate these existential laws. These laws and family dynamics become visible in the constellation by having other people from the group represent certain family members of the clients family. People are then placed with a certain space and in this way the ‘energy field’ of a family is recreated.

“Half of your being consists of your mother and half of your being consists of your father. You are here because of them: If they were not here you could not be here. All that is happening to you is in a way because of them… One has to become aware of this…So just see the point, they are the kind of people they are. Whatsoever they could do, they did, and to ask for more is meaningless. So whatsoever they have done, you have to feel grateful for. And whatsoever is happening to you and will happen to you, they remain the cause. If some day you become enlightened, then you will have to feel grateful towards them. If you are breathing, it is because of them because they loved teacher other. If you are here, it is because of them. They remain your foundation- so don’t forget the foundation, that’s all.” Osho

My wish for us all is that we find love in the most unexpected corners of our being as its only through love for our parents that we can love ourselves.

With Love and Deepest Respect


Artwork: Piero Dorazo

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