On Loving The Self

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Ann Veronica Janssens

Good morning beautiful people,

I do hope that you are well and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

This summer has been beautiful and busy, filled with swims, nature and togetherness. I actually could not have wished for a better one, so forgive me if I didn’t write much, at times I even lost track of the days.

So here I am, wanting to talk about self love, self compassion, and befriending or even reparenting our inner self.

What for I hear you say? So that we can hear the golden messages that lie within ourselves.

There are actually so many different voices within, the one that is going to be harsh and judgmental with our actions, the one that is going to want to be light and carefree, and the voice within that knows what is the wise thing to do or say.

It’s never going perfect dare I say, yet, we can try to live as close in alignment with our true self as possible. And my belief, is that when we connect with the part within that knows, life flows.

On this note, I am going to invite you to take a deep inhale, feeling your feet on the ground and your sit bones on the surface you might be sitting on. How about welcoming all of you, just as you are, with your light and your darkness, befriending and accepting all of you.

When you feel ready, how about breathing out everything and anything you no longer need such as judgements, thoughts and whatever takes your power away from your true self, leaving you feeling confused and even weak.

The summer is about fire, and lighting the places within that need strength, actions and kindness.

The summer is about celebrating all of who we are, feeling care free and responsible al the same time.

The summer is about collecting the fruits of the seeds that were planted in the colder months.

The summer, is about taping into the places within that need some loving, remembering that it’s about having your own back at all times, connecting with the people you love, and listening the power of your wise heart.

Our society raises us to think that we don’t know and that one answer would fit all, yet, we all know, if we dare sit and listen to what is calling us, or even screaming at us.

So this is my wish for us all today, that as we tap into that love that is universal and that we dare open our heart to the knowing within.

May we feel strong
May we feel wise
May we feel healthy

With love and deep respect


Ps: don’t hesitate to connect with me if you need to share or would like a session.

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