On Activism and Stepping Up

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Sherrie Levine

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

This week went by again, faster than the speed of light, and I feel grateful for your comments regarding my first interview. It was good, but thankfully there is a lot of room for improvement.

Today, I get to share my conversation with the amazing Mimi Bekhechi, Vice President of PETA ( people for the ethical treatment of animals). This is the organisation that made a lot of noise in the 90’s with top models posing naked saying “we‘d rather be naked than wear fur.”

This interview is not about telling you to go Vegan, yet, it’s about realising that educating ourselves on matters that touch our heart is the way to making a difference. How can we remove our head from the sand and improve our society, one baby step at a time?

On this note, I am going to invite you to take a big inhale, feeling the air moving through your nostrils, and your feet touching the surface they are on. As you breath out, gently letting go of everything and anything you no longer need, how about asking yourself, what can you do today to improve the society you live in?

According to Mimi taking positive actions will naturally ripple back at us exponentially, improving the quality of our life.

May these words be true, and may this interview inspire you.

Mimi, certainly moved me, so much. She is wise, intelligent, humble, passionate and eloquent: basically a great combination for a great interview.

Here is the link and please don’t hesitate to follow us on Spotify and drop me a line with your comments.

With love and deep respect.


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