Artwork: Anthony Gormley

Good morning beautiful people,

I do hope that you are safe and healthy wherever you are in the world.

I have been quiet for a few weeks, busy with a new home, and not grounded enough to write. Yes, it requires being grounded to feel and express whatever moves through me and when it feels like a lot, my tendency is to run away from it, until I have no choice but to face whatever would like to come out.

Does this pattern sound familiar?

The busyness and thought that we are all separate in our society goes along with our desire not to feel the ills that are below the surface. But when one suffers, it ripples in the collective energy field that we share. But we keep going, until our body and mental health start to scream, then we usually will slow down and get going again as soon as we feel better. Then, thunder is likely to strike again unless we have made the changes in our life that honour the truth that is within.

Why are we sold that the answers in feeling well lie outside of ourselves when it’s a never ending story as everything is impermanent and changes constantly?

Non duality talks about the interconnectedness of all things and about being one with whatever is going through us. So from then on, instead of disposing of new things constantly, we start to dive within, honouring how we feel, and not changing what is.

Apparently, below the suffering, there is a well of happiness that is our inherent nature. When we are stuck with thoughts about the past or the future, then we tend to suffer so here is another reason to cultivate presence.

On this note, I am going to invite you to take a deep inhale, holding space for whatever you are feeling at this exact moment. As you breath out, how about opening your heart to the oneness that is our inherent nature.

This is my wish for us all, that instead of blaming others for how we feel, we start to look within and cultivate the wisdom that is within us all.

May you be happy,
May you be healthy,
May you have faith in your light

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

With love and deep respect


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