It’s a Kind of Magic

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Sol Lewitt

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

Today’s interview, talks about creating a business by listening to ones inner voice. It talks about the magic that unfolds when we center and take actions in line with our innate wisdom. It also talks about doubts that keep showing up, even when we are being guided. It also talks about how to keep going even when we feel like an imposter.

This week, I got to interview one of my favourite human, visual story teller Mimi Fuenzalida. Mimi uses film and photography to share stories that touch her. She has an amazing meditation practice and somehow, when she listens and quiets the critique within her, she moves mountains.

This is my wish for us all today, that we keep centering, move mountains and come back to our highest self, even when there is a voice within that tells us otherwise.

On this note, I would like you to take a deep inhale, and feel your feet on the ground. As you quiet your mind, and breath out, you are invited to check in with yourself: what do you keep procrastinating by fear of not being good enough?

What if it was all noise?

May you be healthy
May you be happy
May you feel centered

Please don’t hesitate to message me your comments, and to subscribe to Beyond Norms on Apple Podcast and Spotify, there are so many norm shakers worth listening to.

With love and deep respect


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