12, May 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Lynda Benglis Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. So I came back for more connexion with you, because reading your feedbacks happens to give me a lot of pleasure, and for today, pleasure is...
5, May 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Josh Smith Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are all safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. It was such joy to read some of your responses to last week’s newsletter, that it made me want to come back for more. Since I became a mama,...
29, Apr 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Igshaan Adams Good morning beautiful people, I truly hope that you are all safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. I haven’t written in a while and have missed it, so much. Blame it on the failure to carve out the necessary space to write and...
24, Mar 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Otis Jones Good morning beautiful people, I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. I have not written in a few weeks and it’s difficult to find the right words to express what’s happening in the world right now. So my...
24, Feb 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Glenn Ligon Good morning beautiful people, I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. I haven’t written in a few weeks and wanted to check in on you. How is your mind doing? Are you feeling present, trusting and calm or are you...
3, Feb 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion, Uncategorized
Artwork: Neil Beloufa Good morning beautiful people, I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. According to author and spiritual teacher Gary Zukav, the Seat of the Soul is when “our inner world and outer world meet.” “When...