23, Jun 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Christopher Wool Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. There comes many times in life where we know change is about to knock at our door, yet, we also have the choice to say no and stick to what...
17, Jun 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Thomas Houseago Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. What have you actually been thinking about lately? According to Dr Joe Dispenza, we think between 60.000 to 70.000 thoughts a day, and 90%...
9, Jun 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Milton Avery Good morning beautiful people, I truly hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. Kintsugi, which is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold, is built on the idea that by embracing our...
2, Jun 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Marina Perez Simao Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. The sun sure does help in making our days feel more glorious, but today, like most Fridays, my focus is on our internal weather,...
26, May 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Edvard Munch Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. Someone wise, recently told me to avoid drama at all cost as they are the traps of the human mind. Instead she said, be focused on being happy,...
19, May 2022 | Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Artwork: Anne Imhof Good morning beautiful people, I do hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. I have to confess that I am again coming back for some kind of connection with you, as writing gives me a sense of peace and feeds with my soul....