Let’s Take Our Power Back

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Mark Rothko

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

The title of this newsletter may sound a little on the aggressive side, but it is by no means what I mean. Taking our power back, is about getting centred and somehow letting go of the thoughts and behaviours that deplete us. Saying goodbye to our victim mentality and instead taking responsibility.

What if taking our power back was also about accepting that we can’t change others or the world around us?  What we can change though is our perspective and how and what we look at.

This is where presence comes into the equation, enabling us to finally see what is instead of looking at life through the filters of our past.

On this note, I will invite you to feel your feet on the ground and take a deep inhale, feeling the air moving through your nostrils.

What if you had everything you needed right now, to take your power back?

What if you had the ability to say no to what no longer felt aligned with your desire for inner peace? As you exhale, literally letting go of everything and anything you no longer need.

I will finish with the following quote, made famous by Beyonce:
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

So hopefully we all meet again soon, drinking lemonade.

With love and deep respect


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