It doesn’t have to be perfect to get started

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Artwork: Adam Secore

Good morning beautiful people,

I hope that you are all safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

I dare say “the world”, because this newsletter does go out to people throughout the globe, some who might have bought an evil eye jewellery, others who have joined a guided mediation or purchased my book. You might also happen to be reading this because we crossed paths and started a conversation ( the cheaper version:).

I am a traveller at heart, and meeting people from all over who do things a little differently than the norm has always inspired me. So now is the time to share their gift with you in the form of a weekly interview which will begin next Friday and will show up as a link at the bottom of this email, and soon on Apple and Spotify as a podcast.

Though I am late in the game, I do believe that it doesn’t have to be perfect to get started and I choose to abide by the mantra: better late than never.

On this note, I am going to invite you to take a deep inhale, feeling the air moving through your nostrils, and your feet on the ground. As you pause, and when you feel called to, how about exhaling everything that is in the way of your highest self. This is the part within that feels invincible, even if she will sometimes stumble and fall.

This podcast is my way of travelling a little, and adding colour to my life. And my wish for us all today, is that we do something that will give more colour to this very weird time we are living in.

May we all come together again soon, in joy and health.

Until then, I am ready to get “active” again and will start daily meditations on weekdays on March 1st at 930am Brussels time (830 london time). And weekends at 1030am Brussels time.

PASSWORD: 739019

Please don’t hesitate to email me your questions and comments, and forward this email to whoever might enjoy reading it.

With love and deep respect


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