Artwork: Solange Pessoa

Good morning beautiful people,

Today my intention is to weave in two topics: intuitive healing and fear. Because the truth is that when we slow down, our body guides us towards what it needs to heal and welcome more life force. But the difficulty lies is getting there, in slowing down and taking on a path that at times feels uncomfortable and even scary.

So this where our breath comes in, using it as a sword to break a cycle that no longer serves us and re-route, towards the fear and the resistance, created by our mind. Easier said than done when we have been taught as a society to stay away from anything that makes us feel afraid.

Yet, the Buddha said that “our sorrow and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion,” so today, i am going to invite you feel the fear, and do it anyways, taking alongside the well of compassion and acceptance that is deep within you, probably in your heart area. Breathing in the fresh air that comes with forgiveness and breathing out the tension that is still making you hold on to ways that no longer serve you, and that are by now far too comfortable to be helpful. Remembering that our soul guides us regardless of time, pushing us to take actions when the time is ripe.

Temperance and patience are key words i will leave you with today. May you trust your timing and the timing of your soul. Trust that even if you are feeling pain, it is inevitable but it might be a doorway to a new way.

In the meantime, if you feel called to know more about this topic, feel free to listen to a new meditation called The Fruit is Ripe.

I will also be guiding meditations in London and Brussels in the next month updated on the events page this weekend.

Don’t hesitate to share this message with whoever might need it.

With Love and Respect,


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