Being Present

Being Present

Every time i face the computer screen asking myself what i am going to write about, the answer is always here, with what’s present and as soon as i remember that there is no need to share anything complicated, that the wisdom is within us all, the words start flowing out of me and my body relaxes. So deep breaths everyone, and welcome to this pre- fall newsletter filled with mindfulness meditation tips and lots of love.

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You Gotta Be

You Gotta Be

The things i love the most about writing this newsletter, is your feedback and knowing that whatever happens, i need to show up, record that meditation and write about what i am inspired to share for the week. Usually, my message to you comes easily, on a good day i write it in 30 minutes and on a day like today, it takes me much longer. Eventually though, with some will and inspiration, my message comes to life. Deep breath:)

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Your Jedi Sword

Your Jedi Sword

On Wednesday i got to meet my beautiful niece, Elia. She is perfect of course, like we all are actually. Buddhist nun Pema Chaudron says “everything is ground for awakening”, the places and the people that trigger us especially, they are all there to enable us to wake up to the perfection that is life, and to the movie that plays in our head. 

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There is a Crack in Everything

There is a Crack in Everything

I am writing to you from Brussels, Belgium where i am about to become an aunt for the second time which feels amazing and surreal all at once. I have also just come back from giving my first corporate workshop in Lisbon and had so much fun doing it. As i was preparing for it, the thought of not having enough content to share did pass through my head, and gladly i chose to not entertain that thought. I was up there for about three and a half hours and could have stayed for a week had i not had a plane to catch 🙂

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