Our Anchors
Good morning beautiful people, I hope that you are all safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. So here I am, still writing because I can and feel called to. I realise that a month away from becoming a mother, does not need to stop me from what I love, on the contrary, it is key that I keep at it.
Winding Down
Good Morning Beautiful People, I hope that you are all safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. For the past year and a half, my words have showed up in your inbox weekly, religiously on a Friday morning. It wasn’t planned, I was just expressing something to a friend who said I should write about this and my newsletter began.
Light and Dark
Good morning beautiful people, I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. The current global situation seems to be stirring a lot of emotions for the majority of us. Blame it on the pandemic or on inner residues that were already present to begin with, who knows.
Transition Time
Good morning beautiful people, I hope that you are safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world. This week I am in London Town where I waved goodbye to a very dear friend who moved back to Los Angeles. Though it marks the end of an era, I still see the world as one big oyster, even if some borders are harder to cross at the moment.